Niki Khanna

Niki Khanna

Hi, I’m Niki.  My work with Momentum centers on supporting clients as they unpack and explore the ways in which DEIA concepts impact them both personally and professionally. You will see me most often in social justice wellness and affinity spaces, as well as content workshops. 

I am forever interested in the collective human experience and each human’s individual experience.  For that reason, I am a psychotherapist and educator.  I focus on working within the Queer, Trans, and Intersex communities that I am also a member of.  I have been many things and I hold multitudes. I am Femme, Intersex, and POC.  I am also a certified Sexual Health Educator and have spent over 20 years working in a variety of Sex Education and Relationship educational settings.  I am passionate about finding ways to use the skills I have developed to contribute to the Intersex community. I have provided workshops and mental health support to InterConnect, an intersex support group as well as served as a Mental Health Consultant to interACT, the largest intersex youth advocacy organization.  I am also a board member with interACT (did I mention I hold multitudes?)   My current projects are developing practical training modules for mental health providers working with intersex clients and their families. 

I grew up in Oklahoma with a father who experienced independence and partition in India and a mother who grew up on a farm in Iowa.  I attended the University of Oklahoma and received a BA in Literature with an emphasis on Critical Theory and Cultural Analysis.  I moved to San Francisco on Labor Day of 1999.  I attended the California Institute of Integral Studies and received a MA in Counseling Psychology.  I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. 

My superpower is the ability to hold space for vulnerability while setting and respecting clear boundaries. I help people develop their own sense of self and boundaries. 

To find out more about me and what I do check out